Addressing critical safety needs with data and technology
Our Safety expertise includes:
Corridor and intersection multi-modal safety analysis
Comprehensive safety planning for Local Roads (LRSP), Action Plans (SS4A) and Master Plans
Grant Writing Support
Safety improvement alternatives development
Incremental safety improvement plans for pilot, phasing, and final design of projects
Safety-focused public, stakeholder, and elected official outreach materials
Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for safety improvement projects with local and federal funding
Client Projects
A few of our recent favorites
Traffic Calming Handbook
City of Milton, WA
Transpo developed a Traffic Calming Handbook for the City that identifies traffic calming solutions specific to the City’s roadway infrastructure types and needs, and a program to guide public feedback and City response to traffic calming concerns, prioritizing safety of all modes balanced with quick response and implementation.
City of Bellingham, WA
Transpo assisted with the planning development and final PS&E design of a corridor rechannelization safety project to replace vehicle lanes with buffered bike lanes and intersection improvements for active modes. The project enhanced the safety and comfort for cyclists and pedestrians along the corridor, creating separation from vehicles, wayfinding and low-stress routing away from heavy traffic.
Timberlane Way Safe Routes to School
City of Covington, WA
Transpo provided comprehensive corridor safety planning, LRSP and grant support, constructions plans, and construction management services for the Timberlane Way corridor. To address concerns related to speed, active mode facilities on transit corridors and proximity to an elementary school, the project added speed and curve warning signing, solar-powered RRFB crosswalks, bike lane channelization, closed a sidewalk gap, and added accessible curb ramp and bus stop improvements.
We are Roadway Safety Professionals
Transpo recognizes the importance of roadway safety as a unique discipline within our larger practice. Our team of credentialed safety experts have earned the distinguished Roadway Safety Professional (RSP) designation through the Transportation Professional Certification Board (TPCB).
The RSP certification demonstrates our commitment to going above and beyond the traditional engineering approach to safety.
Local Road Safety Plans
Since 2018 Transpo's team has authored and updated 18 Local Road Safety Plans, responsible for contributing four million dollars in awarded funding through the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP).
Adopted as tools for comprehensive transportation planning in communities across the state, our safety plans have been providing an intentional framework for grant and local funded safety improvements.
Experts in our field
Some of the folks we are lucky to work with