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Analyzing network traffic operations, identifying safety issues, and creating travel demand models 

Accurate, reliable, innovative tools utilizing the latest transportation modeling software

Transpo’s travel demand models help local agencies in evaluating future transportation system needs. We also integrate traffic simulation technology into our analyses, providing visual information that clearly conveys concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences, and illustrates the trade-offs between potential solutions.


  • Traffic Operations Software: Synchro, HCS, Sidra

  • Traffic Simulation Software: Vissim, Corsim, SimTraffic, Dynameq, TransModeler, Aimsun, FTA’s Simplified Trips-on-Project Software (STOPS)   

  • Travel Demand Models: VISUM, Emme, TransCAD, CUBE

Client Projects

A few of our recent favorites

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Transportation Planning On-Call Support

Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC)

Since 2005, Transpo staff have been assisting the GBNRTC with the development, implementation, and application of modeling tools for regional MPO functions and requirements. To enable planning for operations capabilities, Transpo staff have also been working to integrate these regional tools for localized operational analysis. Our staff’s first major assignment was the update of the region’s travel demand model. To ensure the model’s effectiveness in handling numerous studies and work initiatives, Transpo staff leveraged the latest available data to update and refine.

STOPS Model Development and Forecasting

San Diego Metropolitan
Transit System (SMTS)

Transpo developed forecasts of ridership for public transportation projects within the SMTS service area, which supported their long-range planning effort. The projects ranged from the implementation of service patterns on new routes (e.g. aerial tramways and trolleys) to improved transit service  frequency across multiple routes. STOPS was calibrated to match SMTS’ systemwide boardings, route-level boardings, and ratio of unlinked to linked trips. Following model calibration, the model was used to develop ridership forecasts for each of the proposed new or improved transit services.

Modeling Service

Washington State Department of Transportation 

Transpo developed, and continues to apply, an innovative mesoscopic Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) Model for this I-5 corridor. This project also includes parallel and intersecting state routes in the vicinity to enable testing of a wide variety of alternative routing options. Proposed treatments simulated with the DTA model include ramp meter installations, interchange ramp re-configuration/re-alignment, and HOV-lane additions. The DTA model is capable of analyzing traffic conditions under many different geometric and operational scenarios, such as lane reconfiguration, new intersection controls, new roadway connections and improvements.

Experts in our field

Some of the folks we are lucky to work with

Related Services

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