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Port, Freight, & Rail

Streamlining the movement of people and goods

Safe and Efficient

We plan for and design efficient transportation systems leading to and from ports of call, including freight and rail systems.


Our expertise includes:


  • Data Collection 

  • Freight Access/Mobility 

  • Travel Demand Modeling 

  • Traffic Simulation 

  • Intersection/Rail Crossing Design 

  • Site Safety/Logistics Analysis 

  • Connectivity/Accessibility Modeling 

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems 

Client Projects

A few of our recent favorites

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Transportation Planning Analysis, Conceptual Design ITS and Communication Consulting 

Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) and the Port of Tacoma 

Transpo Group has been delivering tasks as part of the NWSA and Port of Tacoma 

Transportation Services IDIQ since 2018, completing a wide variety of projects such as traffic/freight operational analysis, freight solutions development, ITS infrastructure development, systems engineering, freight forecasting, conceptual design, grant support, and stakeholder facilitation.  Specific projects include Port Community System Development, ITS Project Grant Management and Procurement Support, West Seattle Bridge Scenario Planning and Modeling Support, and Tideflats Area Modeling.

Southern California Freight Study 


Transpo assisted Caltrans in developing a sustainable freight plan with a regional perspective on goods movement travel demands, sustainability challenges, innovative opportunities, and regional priorities. The study recommended a list of prioritized freight projects and strategies to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce congestion, increase system efficiency and throughput, and reduce freight impacts on health, safety, and quality of life in communities that are disproportionately affected by major freight impacts. 

Statewide Study of Road-Rail Crossing Improvements 

Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) 

Transpo led a study for FMSIB to help better understand project needs that were developed (also by Transpo) as part of a prioritization of prominent road-rail conflicts for the Joint Transportation Commission. Transpo utilized the database developed from the prior effort, along with additional project data from Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs) and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPOs), to prepare a prioritized list of railroad crossing improvement projects utilizing a corridor-based process. 

Experts in our field

Some of the folks we are lucky to work with


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