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Plans and Studies

Shaping your community vision for the future

Orchestrating movement in communities with diverse needs

Addressing both immediate and long-term needs often requires a multifaceted approach that combines short-term actions with overarching policies and goals. Plans encompass a range of strategies and considerations to address transportation needs effectively.


Our expertise includes:


  • Comprehensive Plan 

  • Multimodal Planning 

  • Regional transportation Plans 

  • Sub Area Plans 

Client Projects

A few of our recent favorites

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Long Range Transportation Plan Update

Herkimer-Oneida Counties Transportation Council (HOCTC)

Transpo delivered the 2020-2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for HOCTC, the designated metropolitan planning organization for the Utica, NY region. The LRTP will guide federal investment in the region’s transportation network over the plan’s 20-year horizon. This was the first edition of HOCTC’ LRTP to be branded (Going Places) and professionally graphically designed. The Plan recognizes the importance of both maintaining state-of-good-repair on the existing network, the potential to support economic development activities, and the opportunities created by emerging transportation technologies. The LRTP received a commendation from FHWA, in recognition of its innovative planning practices tailored to a resource-constrained funding environment.

Downtown Subarea Plan Update and EIS

City of Marysville, WA

Transpo prepared the transportation analysis to support this Master Plan and EIS project for the City of Marysville. Travel Context Classification were developed as a tool for identifying whether auto/transit, bikes, or pedestrians are the priority for each street, as well as supporting the additional proposed densities. Multimodal transportation improvements and programs were identified including addressing pedestrian needs and technology to improve traffic flows.

Master Plan

City of Yakima, WA

Transpo Group worked with the City of Yakima on an update to the City’s Transportation Plan. The update included an inventory and analysis of multimodal transportation facilities to understand the impact of land use changes over the next 25 years. Transpo focused on strategies based on implementing complete streets elements with a layered network approach. A layered network approach endorses complete street principles but acknowledges that some corridors should prioritize specific modes to improve level and quality of service and safety. Improvement projects and programs will be defined to address traffic safety, non-motorized travel, and transit service based on level of service standards set by the overall goals of the Plan.

Experts in our Field

Some of the folks we are lucky to work with

Image by Denys Nevozhai

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